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That is: words go one after another, each word except first starting with a capital letter: myVeryLongName… Reserved names There is a list of reserved words, which cannot be used as variable names… For example: let, class, return, and function are reserved.… In other words, capital-named constants are only used as aliases for “hard-coded” values.… Or, in other words, when the variables have good names.
Some browsers (not all) reserve the space for it by taking it from the content (labeled as “content width… Or, in other words, its full size including borders.… In other words, scrollTop is “how much is scrolled up”.… If your browser reserves the space for a scrollbar (most browsers for Windows do), then you can test… On a Desktop Windows OS, Firefox, Chrome, Edge all reserve the space for the scrollbar.
In the ancient time, there was a limitation in JavaScript: a reserved word like "class" could… For multi-word property the camelCase is used:
In other words, actions that we initiate now, but they finish later.… The convention is: The first argument of the callback is reserved for an error if it occurs.
A word boundary \b is a test, just like ^ and $.… character is a word character \w.… At string end, if the last string character is a word character \w.… We can use \b not only with words, but with digits as well.… Word boundary \b doesn’t work for non-latin alphabets The word boundary test \b checks that
When the browser loads the page, it “reads” (another word: “parses”) the HTML and generates DOM objects… All attributes starting with “data-” are reserved for programmers’ use.
names limitations.As we already know, a variable cannot have a name equal to one of the language-reservedwords like “for”, “let”, “return” etc.… In other words, if we loop over an object, do we get all properties in the same order they were added
Of course they are not numbers in the common sense of this word.… Normally, one uses null to assign an “empty” or “unknown” value to a variable, while undefined is reserved
In other words, reading prototype of a proxy must always return the prototype of the target object.… These are like properties, but reserved for internal, specification-only purposes.
Back to words and strings.The similar thing happens in our first example, when we look for words by pattern… followed by a space (\w+\s)*, and then (optionally) a final word \w*.… That is: \w+ should match a whole word, with the maximal possible length.… = looks forward for the longest word \w+ starting at the current position.… It captures only the whole word \w+, not a part of it.
These intervals are reserved exclusively for surrogate pairs by the standard.
A call to str.match(/\w+/) will find only the first word in the line (let). That’s not it.… But then the call str.match(/\w+/g) will look for all words in the text, while we need one word at position… In other words, regexp.lastIndex serves as a starting point for the search, that each regexp.exec(str… If there’s no word at position lastIndex, but it’s somewhere after it, then it will be found:
In other words, it’s the shorter version of:… They are very convenient for simple one-line actions, when we’re just too lazy to write many words.
\w (“w” is from “word”) A “wordly” character: either a letter of Latin alphabet or a digit or an underscore… In other words, “anything”.… In other words, in a regular expression all characters matter, spaces too.
“Promisification” is a long word for a simple transformation.… In other words, we pass it only src (no callback) and get a promise in return, that resolves with script
variable assigned to an object stores not the object itself, but its “address in memory” – in other words… In other words, the const user gives an error only if we try to set user=... as a whole.… In other words, a variable stores not the “object value”, but a “reference” (address in memory) for the
In other words, curry(f) for two-argument f(a, b) translates it into a function that runs as f(a)(b):… Now logNow is log with fixed first argument, in other words
In particular, codes lower than 1000 are reserved, there’ll be an error if we try to set such a code.
In other words, they do not match a character, but rather force the regexp engine to check the condition
In other words… complete) …or after an async script (if an async script is short or was in HTTP-cache) In other words… In other words, async scripts run in the “load-first” order.
In other words, ?? returns the first argument if it’s not null/undefined.… In other words, || doesn’t distinguish between false, 0, an empty string "" and null/undefined
In other words, top-level variables and functions from a module are not seen in other scripts.… In other words, with modules we use import/export instead of relying on global variables.… In other words, a module can provide a generic functionality that needs a setup.… In other words: downloading external module scripts <script type="module" src="...… In other words, if a module script is fetched from another origin, the remote server must supply a header
In other words… The first parameter is a code word, specifying where to insert relative to elem.… In other words, parentElem.appendChild(node) returns node.… A word about “document.write”.There’s one more, very ancient method of adding something to a web-page
In other words, they are nested exactly in the given one.… In other words, they reflect the current state of DOM.… The links are similar to those given above, just with Element word
In other words, new User(...) does something like:… In other words, return with an object returns that object, in all other cases this is returned.
As we can see, a domain consists of repeated words… We can fix it by replacing \w with [\w-] in every word except the last one: ([\w-]+\.)+\w+.… Any word can be the name, hyphens and dots are allowed. In regular expressions that’s [-.\w]+.
The key word in this phrase is “almost”. For instance, a focus event does not bubble.… In other words, event.stopPropagation() stops the move upwards, but on the current element all other… In other words, normally the event goes first down (“capturing”) and then up (“bubbling”).
In other words, a chain of OR || returns the first truthy value or the last one if no truthy value is… In other words, AND returns the first falsy value or the last value if none were found.
In other words, the result is the same as elem.querySelectorAll(css)[0], but the latter is looking for… In other words, the method closest goes up from the element and checks each of parents.
In other words, strings are compared letter-by-letter.… In other words, if a and b are of different types, then a === b immediately returns false without an
The word “modal” means that the visitor can’t interact with the rest of the page, press other buttons
In other words, an empty "sandbox" attribute puts the strictest limitations possible, but we… In other words, it makes the browser to treat the iframe as coming from another origin, even if its src… In other words, if we want to send the message to win, we should call win.postMessage(data, targetOrigin
CSS properties with a word cubic-bezier will have an icon before this word.… The second argument is one of two words: start or end.… In other words, the browser calculates the Layout (sizes, positions), paints it with colors, backgrounds
In other words, this approach suggests that we write code in JSBI instead of native bigints.
The first four are straightforward, while % and ** need a few words about them.… The unary plus or, in other words, the plus operator + applied to a single value, doesn’t do anything… expression has more than one operator, the execution order is defined by their precedence, or, in other words
They are labeled by the word static in class declaration.
In other words, it makes the symbol optional. For instance, the pattern ou?
In other words, this: …Is lighter than… wrapper timingEaseOut: In other words
In other words, compare one after another:
In other words, such pattern means that we’re looking for X followed by Y and Z at the same time.
In other words, we want to add an iteration ability to the object.… Note the await word.
is exactly the default export: A word… In other words, a person who would like to use our package, should import only from the “main file” auth
In other words, multiplies x by itself n times.… Please note: Here in the picture we use the word “line”, as in our example there’s only one… presented as an object: In other words
Laozi (Tao Te Ching) While choosing a name try to use the most abstract word.… In other words, without “side-effects”.
Despite having the word “XML” in its name, it can operate on any data, not only in XML format.… In other words, JavaScript execution pauses at send() and resumes when the response is received.
These common words do not make it obvious why the regexp fails, so let’s elaborate how the search works… In other words, it shortens the match for the quantifier by one character:
In other words, a mixin provides methods that implement a certain behavior, but we do not use it alone
In other words, var variables are defined from the beginning of the function, no matter where the definition
In other words, instead of form.elements.login we can write form.login.
With Unicode properties we can look for words in given languages, special characters (quotes, currencies
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