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As the content is “zeroed-out” and rewritten from the scratch, all images and other resources will be… " re-creates the HTML content and reloads smile.gif (hope it’s cached).… In the outer document (the DOM) we can see the new content instead of the <div>.… An example of reading the content of a text node and a comment:… Read-only. innerHTML The HTML content of the element.
Many types of components, such as tabs, menus, image galleries, and so on, need the content to render… the actual tab content to be passed.… We modify the content inside the slotted element, that’s another thing.… The content of <slot> element is used as a fallback.… MutationObserver to go deeper into slot content, watch changes inside it.
The initial idea was to show another content without closing the main window.… As of now, there are other ways to do that: we can load content dynamically with fetch and show it in… And here we modify the contents after loading:… Same origin policy Windows may freely access content of each other only if they come from… If you run the code below, it replaces the opener (current) window content with “Test”:
There are 6 static methods in the Promise class. We’ll quickly cover their use cases here.… For instance, download several URLs in parallel and process the content once they are all done.… For example, the loadCached function below fetches a URL and remembers (caches) its content.… For future calls with the same URL it immediately gets the previous content from cache, but uses Promise.resolve… Summary.There are 6 static methods of Promise class: Promise.all(promises) – waits for all promises
background color of document.body, but there are many other properties, such as: innerHTML – HTML contents… then that is automatically moved inside the body, at the end, as the HTML spec requires that all content… Here are few tips to travel between the Elements tab and the console.… For the start: Select the first <li> in the Elements tab.… Press Esc – it will open console right below the Elements tab.
There are only 6 of them in JavaScript: i With this flag the search is case-insensitive: no difference… inserts a part of the string after the match $n if n is a 1-2 digit number, then it inserts the contents… of n-th parentheses, more about it in the chapter Capturing groups $<name> inserts the contents
Here’s what the regexp engine does: First, the regexp engine tries to find the content of the parentheses… digit each: The first number has 6… of 3 digits: The first number has 6… The contents of parentheses with ?=... isn’t memorized by the engine, so wrap \w+ into parentheses.… Then the engine will memorize their contents …And allow us to reference it in the pattern as \1.
Let’s see how it works. localStorage demo.The main features of localStorage are: Shared between all tabs… Another tab with the same page will have a different storage.… But it is shared between iframes in the same tab (assuming they come from the same origin).… The data survives page refresh, but not closing/opening the tab. Let’s see that in action.… That’s exactly because sessionStorage is bound not only to the origin, but also to the browser tab.
For instance, in-browser JavaScript is able to: Add new HTML to the page, change the existing content… Different tabs/windows generally do not know about each other.… A page from which a user has opened must not be able to access another browser tab
An element receives the focus when the user either clicks on it or uses the Tab key on the keyboard.… That’s when a user clicks somewhere else or presses Tab to go to the next form field, or there are other… If we enter something into the input and then try to use Tab or click away from the <input>, then… The value of the attribute is the order number of the element when Tab (or something like that) is used… The Tab key ignores such elements, but method elem.focus() works. For instance, here’s a list.
The browser ignores its contents, only checks for syntax validity, but we can access and use it in JavaScript… First, its content can be any valid HTML, even if it normally requires a proper enclosing tag.… The content becomes live (styles apply, scripts run etc) when we insert it into the document.… Inserting template.The template content is available in its content property as a DocumentFragment –… <template> content is considered “out of the document”, so it doesn’t affect anything.
At index 1: the contents of the first parentheses.… At index 2: the contents of the second parentheses.… Let’s wrap the inner content into parentheses, like this: <(.*?)>.… Here it encloses the whole tag content.… But in practice we usually need contents of capturing groups in the result.
Some browsers (not all) reserve the space for it by taking it from the content (labeled as “content width… So, without scrollbar the content width would be 300px, but if the scrollbar is 16px wide (the width… If there are no paddings, then clientWidth/Height is exactly the content area, inside the borders and… That makes the element content scroll 10px down.… So the real width available for the content is less than CSS width.
A horizontal indentation is made using either 2 or 4 spaces or the horizontal tab symbol (key Tab).… One advantage of spaces over tabs is that spaces allow more flexible configurations of indents than the… tab symbol.
For many years a script from one site could not access the content of another site.… But as it’s forbidden to access the content of an <iframe> from another site, it wasn’t possible… , Content-Type with the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data or text/plain.… Content-Length Content-Type Expires Last-Modified Pragma Accessing any other response header causes… Headers – we can set only: Accept Accept-Language Content-Language Content-Type to the value application
Becomes… undefined NaN null 0 true and false 1 and 0 string Whitespaces (includes spaces, tabs… NaN null 0 true / false 1 / 0 string The string is read “as is”, whitespaces (includes spaces, tabs
Without options, this is a simple GET request, downloading the contents of the url.… we’ve already got the response with response.text(), then response.json() won’t work, as the body content… Please note, if the request body is a string, then Content-Type… as we’re going to send JSON, we use headers option to send application/json instead, the correct Content-Type… For Blob objects that type becomes the value of Content-Type.
access an existing selection, select/deselect DOM nodes as a whole or partially, remove the selected content… collapsed – boolean, true if the range starts and ends on the same point (so there’s no content inside… using these methods: deleteContents() – remove range content from the document extractContents() –… remove range content from the document and return as DocumentFragment cloneContents() – clone range content… So we disable the selection to avoid conflict, still allowing elem contents to be copied.
attribute names, to observe only selected ones. characterData – whether to observe (text content… highlighting for above snippet in Prism, Prism.highlightElem(pre) is called, which examines the contents… Do we need to put the highlighting call everywhere, to highlight the code in content after loading?… And what if the content is loaded by a third-party module?… For example, we have a forum written by someone else, that loads content dynamically, and we’d like to
We can use the contents of capturing groups (...) not only in the result or in the replacement string… The regular expression engine finds the first quote (['"]) and memorizes its content.… Similar to that, \2 would mean the contents of the second group, \3 – the 3rd group, and so on.
other words, they return the width/height of the visible part of the document, available for the content… document.Theoretically, as the root document element is document.documentElement, and it encloses all the content… If it occupied some space, then that space is now free and the content “jumps” to fill it.… the scrollbar disappeared), then add padding to document.body in place of the scrollbar to keep the content… Summary.Geometry: Width/height of the visible part of the document (content area width/height): document.documentElement.clientWidth
There are no <easy-tabs>, <sliding-carousel>, <beautiful-upload>… Just think of any… Rendering in connectedCallback, not in constructor In the example above, element content
Users can’t see the page content till it downloads and runs:… Then it can see elements above it, and it doesn’t block the page content from showing:… The page content… The page content… So the user can read page content and get acquainted with the page immediately.
max-age.By default, if a cookie doesn’t have one of these attributes, it disappears when the browser/tab… So if a cookie has sensitive content that should never be sent over unencrypted HTTP, the secure flag… Then the website can set them and let people see the content.… No one likes to see such “must-click” modal splash screens instead of the content.
Local styles do not affect slotted content.… Smith</p> becomes bold, because CSS inheritance is in effect between the <slot> and its contents… Document styles can affect: shadow host (as it lives in the outer document) slotted elements and their contents
\s (“s” is from “space”) A space symbol: includes spaces, tabs \t, newlines \n and few other rare characters… \s – space symbols, tabs, newlines. \S – all but \s. \w – Latin letters, digits, underscore '_'.
Prior to reading, we can figure out the full response length from the Content-Length header.… What if we need binary content instead of a string? That’s even simpler.
Let’s say: A visitor opened our site in a browser tab, with database version 1.… And then the same visitor opens our site in another tab.… So there’s a tab with an open connection to DB version 1, while the second one attempts to update it… The problem is that a database is shared between two tabs, as it’s the same site, same origin.… So the second tab won’t work. Here’s the code to correctly handle the parallel upgrade.
It’s encoded and sent out with Content-Type: multipart/form-data.… Sending a form with a file.The form is always sent as Content-Type
Please note: the lookahead is merely a test, the contents… Capturing groups.Generally, the contents
If we count the zeroes in 0.000001, there are 6… So naturally it’s 1e-6.… Like: 123e6 is the same as 123 with 6 zeroes 123000000.… E.g. 123e-6 means 0.000123 (123 millionths).
as URL.A Blob can be easily used as a URL for <a>, <img> or other tags, to show its contents… Thanks to type, we can also download/upload Blob objects, and the type naturally becomes Content-Type… By clicking on a link you download a dynamically-generated Blob with hello world contents as a file:
match $' inserts a part of the string after the match $n if n is a 1-2 digit number, inserts the contents… of n-th capturing group, for details see Capturing groups $<name> inserts the contents of the… arguments func(match, p1, p2, ..., pn, offset, input, groups): match – the match, p1, p2, ..., pn – contents
Crossorigin policy.There’s a rule: scripts from one site can’t access contents of the other site.… Or, to be more precise, one origin (domain/port/protocol triplet) can’t access the content from another
assigned using an HTML-attribute then the browser reads it, creates a new function from the attribute content… In the code below button shows its contents using this.innerHTML:… When the browser reads the attribute, it creates a handler function with body from the attribute content
(and also 6, 7) – messages.
Here we’ll see how to create new elements “on the fly” and modify the existing page content.… We can append other nodes to it, but when we insert it somewhere, then its content is inserted instead… If we call it afterwards, the existing document content is erased.
We can use either variable to access the object and modify its contents:… we later use another key (user), we are still opening the same cabinet and can access the changed contents
The developer tools will open on the Console tab by default.
The server should respond with status 200 and the header Content-Type: text/event-stream, then keep the… Also, there will be no reconnection if the response has an incorrect Content-Type
The DOM allows us to do anything with elements and their contents, but first we need to reach the corresponding… types of DOM elements, e.g. tables, provide additional properties and collections to access their content
Preventing copying If we want to disable selection to protect our page content from copy-pasting… Surely the user has access to HTML-source of the page, and can take the content from there, but not everyone
In many cases though, we don’t have to read the file contents.
If src is set, the script content is ignored.
DOM (Document Object Model).The Document Object Model, or DOM for short, represents all page content
That’s how the resulting DOM looks in Chrome dev tools, all the content
full access to that window. otherwise, if it comes from another origin, then we can’t access the content… The full example: Resultiframe.htmlindex.htmlSummary.To call methods and access the content
selected. option.index The number of the option among the others in its <select>. option.text Text content
\u{X…XXXXXX} X…XXXXXX must be a hexadecimal value of 1 to 6 bytes between 0 and 10FFFF (the highest code
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