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Join two values into one.… Here we use a simple “joining” function that turns arguments (3, 5) into the key "3,5".… So calling join on it would fail, as we can see below:… We take (borrow) a join method from a regular array ([].join) and use [] to run it in the context… So, technically it takes this and joins this[0], this[1] …etc together.
We need to join them into a single result.
saw how to make a number-only phone number from a string like +7(903)-123-45-67: find all digits and join
It works because the internal algorithm of the built-in join method only cares about the correct indexes
The list can be easily split into multiple parts and later joined back:… To join:
Also we can join animations.… Keyframes.We can join multiple simple animations together using the @keyframes CSS rule.
It creates a string of arr items joined by glue between them.… the array in-place, then returns it. reverse() – reverses the array in-place, then returns it. split/join
In action, bounceEaseInOut: Resultstyle.cssindex.htmlThe “easeInOut” transform joins
function, to combine results from multiple other functions, we call them, store the results, and then join
Joining several actions into one protects your code from reuse.