DOM collections are read-only
DOM collections, and even more – all navigation… So let’s see more navigation links that only take element nodes into account:… More links: tables.Till now we described the basic navigation… There are also additional navigation properties for HTML forms.… Summary.Given a DOM node, we can go to its immediate neighbors using navigation properties.
Navigation: form and elements.Document forms are members of the special collection document.forms.… These navigation… Summary.Form navigation:
A form is available as document.forms[name/index].
For instance:
A click on a link – initiates navigation to its URL.… In this HTML, a click on a link doesn’t lead to navigation; the browser doesn’t do anything:… If we omit return false, then after our code executes the browser will do its “default action” – navigating… For instance, <a> should perform navigation, not a button.
Resultiframe.htmlindex.htmlSandbox attribute.One of the things restricted by the sandbox attribute is navigation… But we omit allow-top-navigation so that changing top.location is forbidden.… the iframe above is either empty or alerting you that the browser won’t permit that page to be navigating
An IDE loads the project (which can be many files), allows navigation between files, provides autocompletion
Navigation links are:
window.frames – the collection of “children” windows (for nested frames).
window.parent… This option removes that feature.
Allows the iframe to change parent.location.
allow-forms… So we can’t be sure which site is open in the intended window right now: the user could navigate away
For instance:
The navigator object provides background information about the browser and the operating
The operation performs a top-level navigation (changes URL in the browser address bar).… This is usually true, but if the navigation is performed in an <iframe>, then it is not top-level… Additionally, JavaScript methods for network requests do not perform any navigation.
A popup can navigate (change URL) and send messages to the opener window.… shows or hides the browser menu on the new window.
toolbar (yes/no) – shows or hides the browser navigation
DOM navigation properties are great when elements are close to each other. What if they are not?
clear about what it is.
event.preventDefault().Many browser events have a “default action”, such as navigating
what should show up:
The Sources panel has 3 parts:
The File Navigator
Actually, code navigation becomes easier if files are well-named and structured into folders.
But we can use another event – onbeforeunload.
window.onbeforeunload.If a visitor initiated navigation
It provides element-level navigation like nextElementSibling, children and searching methods like getElementsByTagName