Two interesting polyfill libraries are:
core js that supports a lot, allows to include only needed features
A module may contain a class or a library of functions for a specific purpose.… more complex, so the community invented a variety of ways to organize code into modules, special libraries… historical reasons):
AMD – one of the most ancient module systems, initially implemented by the library… admin object:
As you can see, when 1.js… changes the name property in the imported admin, then 2.js can see the new
For instance, a root element of our own JS-based menu may trigger events telling what happens with the… Native events might be generated:
As a dirty hack to make 3rd-party libraries work the needed way, if
In the code above:
We load 1.js… , then if there’s no error…
We load 2.js, then if there’s no error…
We load 3.js, then if there’s no… --
loadScript('1.js', function(error, script) {
if (error) {
} else {… loadScript('2.js', function(error, script) {
if (error) {
} else… loadScript('3.js', function(error, script) {
if (error) {
The idea does have a use in JavaScript libraries.… Many well-known JavaScript libraries make great use of this feature.… For instance, the jQuery library creates a function named $.… The lodash library creates a function _, and then adds _.clone, _.keyBy and other properties to it (see… Actually, they do it to lessen their pollution of the global space, so that a single library gives only
The browser tries to help us by mixing namespaces of JS and DOM.… Also, when one reads JS code and doesn’t have HTML in view, it’s not obvious where the variable comes
Code minifiers (tools used before JS gets to production, to compress it) rename local variables into
Although, the other way around is proposed by the developers of JSBI library.… This library implements big numbers using its own methods.
Now, before making the implementation, let’s use a few JavaScript libraries to run the tests, just to… The spec in action.Here in the tutorial we’ll be using the following JavaScript libraries for tests:… Chai – the library with many assertions.… Sinon – a library to spy over functions, emulate built-in functions and more, we’ll need it much later… These libraries are suitable for both in-browser and server-side testing.
If another script or a library loops over our object, it won’t unexpectedly access a symbolic property… If we want to add a property into an object that “belongs” to another script or a library, we can create… But most libraries, built-in functions and syntax constructs don’t use these methods.
Initially it was made for JavaScript, but many other languages have libraries to handle it as well.… But this is a standalone library, not in the specification of the language.… JSON is a data format that has its own independent standard and libraries for most programming languages
For instance, if you import * as library from a huge code library, and then use only few methods, then… Modules that contain a library, pack of functions, like say.js above.
them all in a loop:
JavaScript libraries… Also there’s a ready _.partial implementation from lodash library.
They work like this:
We register at the service and get a piece of JS (or a script URL) from them to… That JS script sets a custom window.onerror function.
That may be important for cases when we need to load a JavaScript library and then a script that depends… Again, as with the defer, the order matters if we’d like to load a library and then another script that
when we have an object, don’t know which constructor was used for it (e.g. it comes from a 3rd party library
Such transformations are often required in real-life, as many functions and libraries are callback-based
More advanced implementations of currying, such as _.curry from lodash library, return a wrapper that
function pow(x, n) {
let result = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result *= x;
For JS-code it means that we should check if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey).
This approach is sometimes used in libraries
document have no idea about the shadow DOM internals, especially if the component comes from a 3rd-party library
If two libraries add a method, then one of them will be overwriting the method
own scripts we could use JavaScript modules here, but they are not widely adopted by third-party libraries
text nodes – contain text.
comments – sometimes we can put information there, it won’t be shown, but JS
For server-side JS that’s clearly noticeable, and if you are running it in-browser, then try to click
So, if we want to get an object with name/value pairs, we need to throw in a bit JS.
There are probably special libraries for that too, but nothing famous enough to suggest here.
reinvent the wheel, take an existing implementation, for instance _.cloneDeep(obj) from the JavaScript library
If we’re working with an object that “belongs” to another code, maybe even a third-party library, and
The idea is that 3rd-party libraries may implement “promise-compatible” objects of their own.
There are libraries that polyfill that API, based on localStorage, that make it available everywhere.
Other math functions.JavaScript has a built-in Math object which contains a small library… The library is very small but can cover basic needs.
But sometimes we have an error object coming from a 3rd-party library and there’s no easy way to get
readability and at the same time, to beautify it, we’ll be using a JavaScript syntax highlighting library
let phrase = "Hello";
function say(name) {
alert( `${phrase}, ${name}` );
In the example above, we first see “Library
Let’s imagine a scenario where some third-party code or library interacts with elements on our page as… Here is what it looks like:
On the left side, there is a cloud library of photos
So there are client/server libraries for that, and it’s also possible to implement these capabilities
The Lodash library has its core function named _.
These are exceptions.
We should understand how it works, because sometimes we see it in JavaScript libraries.
There exist many cookie libraries for that, so these are for demo purposes.
Proxies are used in many libraries and some browser frameworks.