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Rewrite the "switch" into an "if"

importance: 5

Write the code using if..else which would correspond to the following switch:

switch (browser) {
  case 'Edge':
    alert( "You've got the Edge!" );

  case 'Chrome':
  case 'Firefox':
  case 'Safari':
  case 'Opera':
    alert( 'Okay we support these browsers too' );

    alert( 'We hope that this page looks ok!' );

To precisely match the functionality of switch, the if must use a strict comparison '==='.

For given strings though, a simple '==' works too.

if(browser == 'Edge') {
  alert("You've got the Edge!");
} else if (browser == 'Chrome'
 || browser == 'Firefox'
 || browser == 'Safari'
 || browser == 'Opera') {
  alert( 'Okay we support these browsers too' );
} else {
  alert( 'We hope that this page looks ok!' );

Please note: the construct browser == 'Chrome' || browser == 'Firefox' … is split into multiple lines for better readability.

But the switch construct is still cleaner and more descriptive.