For instance, an element node corresponding to tag <a> has link-related properties, and the one… Tag: nodeName and tagName.Given a DOM node, we can read its tag name from nodeName or tagName properties… With innerHTML we’ll have it inserted “as HTML”, with all HTML tags.… become tags, so we see the bold name.… Read-only.
For elements, tag name (uppercased unless XML-mode).
tag.JavaScript programs can be inserted almost anywhere into an HTML document using the <script> tag… the tag.… Modern markup.The <script> tag has a few attributes that are rarely used nowadays but can still… A single <script> tag can’t have both the src attribute and code inside.… We can use a <script> tag to add JavaScript code to a page.
The backbone of an HTML document is tags.… According to the Document Object Model (DOM), every HTML tag is an object.… Nested tags are “children” of the enclosing one. The text inside a tag is an object as well.… For example, document.body is the object representing the <body> tag.… For instance, the top tag is always <html>.
…and so on…
For instance, we’d like to find HTML tags <.*?>, and process them.… tag content as a whole: span class="my".… The tag name: span.
The tag attributes: class="my".… Here it encloses the whole tag content.… the tag: ([^>]*).
Regexp for an “opening HTML-tag… Improved: /<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/i
According to the standard, HTML tag name may have a digit at any… Regexp “opening or closing HTML-tag without attributes”: /<\/?… For instance, for HTML tags we could use a simpler regexp: <\w+>.… But as HTML has stricter restrictions for a tag name, <[a-z][a-z0-9]*> is more reliable.
getElementsBy*.There are also other methods to look for nodes by a tag… elem.getElementsByTagName(tag) looks for elements with the given tag and returns the collection of them… The tag parameter can also be a star "*" for “any tags”.
elem.getElementsByClassName(className… For instance:
Let’s find all input tags… querySelectorAll
are no <easy-tabs>, <sliding-carousel>, <beautiful-upload>… Just think of any other tag… element:
Now for any HTML elements with tag… We need to register our new element by customElements.define(tag, class).… But the element is yet unknown, just like any non-standard tag.… Summary.Custom elements can be of two types:
“Autonomous” – new tags, extending HTMLElement.
First, its content can be any valid HTML, even if it normally requires a proper enclosing tag.… The <template> tag is quite unique, because:
The browser checks HTML syntax inside it (as opposed… …But still allows use of any top-level HTML tags, even those that don’t make sense without proper wrappers
Creating an element.To create DOM nodes, there are two methods:
Creates… a new element node with the given tag:… But what if we’d like to insert an HTML string “as html”, with all tags and stuff working, in the same… Methods to create new nodes:
document.createElement(tag) – creates an element with the given tag,
For instance, if the tag is <body id="page">, then the DOM object has"page… HTML attributes.In HTML, tags may have attributes.… When the browser parses the HTML to create DOM objects for tags, it recognizes standard attributes and
</script> tag, it can’t continue building the DOM. It must execute the script right now.… attribute is only for external scripts
The defer attribute is ignored if the <script> tag… external scripts
Just like defer, the async attribute is ignored if the <script> tag
That’s the DOM node of the <html> tag.… <head> = document.head
The <head> tag is available as document.head.… We want to manipulate element nodes that represent tags and form the structure of the page.
The HTML spec at is not only about the “HTML language” (tags, attributes… HTML specification
Describes the HTML language (e.g. tags) and also the BOM (browser object model) –
In action: iframe.An <iframe> tag hosts a separate embedded window, with its own separate document… iframe.onload vs iframe.contentWindow.onload
The iframe.onload event (on the <iframe> tag… the references to parent and top windows,
iframe.contentWindow is the window inside an <iframe> tag
Using scripts.Another trick was to use a script tag.… Then we make a <script> tag with src="… difference is that safe requests were doable since ancient times using <form> or <script> tags
we’d like to get a string.
readAsDataURL – when we’d like to use this data in src for img or another tag
For instance, HTML has tags and attributes, JavaScript code has functions, variables, and so on.
In the HTML document, an HTML-tag may contain a list of:
Text pieces.
HTML-comments.… Other HTML-tags (that in turn may contain text pieces/comments or other tags etc).
These navigation properties do not depend on the tag
DOM may include both <style> and <link rel="stylesheet" href="…"> tags
To allow cross-origin access, the <script> tag needs to have the crossorigin attribute, plus the
It inserts into the document a new, dynamically created, tag
we can use the root document element document.documentElement, that corresponds to the <html> tag
In our case if we take a look inside the HTML, we can see nested tags inside <td>, like <strong
For instance, the code below highlights and outputs the tag
certain actions, like “dropping” a file into a browser window or selecting it via an <input> tag
Prism.highlightElem(pre) is called, which examines the contents of such pre elements and adds special tags
It must be sent exactly as HTTP-header: the browser will ignore it if found in HTML <meta> tag.
Blob as URL.A Blob can be easily used as a URL for <a>, <img> or other tags, to show its
deselect DOM nodes as a whole or partially, remove the selected content from the document, wrap it into a tag… For this to work, the range must contain both opening and closing tags for all elements inside it: no
HTML attributes are used sparingly, because JavaScript in the middle of an HTML tag looks a little bit
This handler is assigned to <div>, but also runs if you click any nested tag like <em> or
DOMContentLoaded and scripts.When the browser processes an HTML-document and comes across a <script> tag
Blob is a high-level binary object, it directly integrates with <a>, <img> and other tags
This feature is called “tagged templates”, it’s rarely seen, but you can read about it in the MDN: Template