For instance, to assign a click handler for an input, we can use onclick, like here:… If we forget that the code is inside the attribute and use double quotes inside, like this: onclick=… works as well as onClick and onCLICK… But usually attributes are lowercased: onclick.… As there’s only one onclick property, we can’t assign more than one event handler.… Summary.There are 3 ways to assign event handlers:
HTML attribute: onclick="...".
That is: if the browser is processing onclick and a new event occurs, e.g. mouse moved, then its handling… is queued up, corresponding mousemove handlers will be called after onclick processing is finished.… For instance, in the code below the menu-open event is triggered during the onclick.… We’d want onclick to be fully processed first, independently from menu-open or any other nested events… Then we can either put the dispatchEvent (or another event-triggering call) at the end of onclick or,
Instead of assign an onclick handler to each <td> (can be many) – we’ll setup the “catch-all” handler
A click on the inner <p> first runs onclick
Now, if a new side task (e.g. onclick event) appears while the engine is busy executing part 1, it gets
Most browsers block popups if they are called outside of user-triggered event handlers like onclick.