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Maths.The following math operations are supported: Addition +, Subtraction -, Multiplication *, Division… In school maths, we write that as ab.… Just like in maths
That’s an important limitation: the result of obj1 + obj2 (or another math operation) can’t be another… So, because we can’t technically do much here, there’s no maths with objects in real projects.… "number" For an object-to-number conversion, like when we’re doing maths… returns an object instead of a primitive value, then call toString (so valueOf has the priority for maths… it: "string" (for alert and other operations that need a string) "number" (for maths
can temporarily multiply the numbers by 100 (or a bigger number) to turn them into integers, do the maths… Then, as we’re doing maths with integers, the error somewhat decreases, but we still get it on division… There are more functions and constants in Math object, including trigonometry, which you can find in… the docs for the Math object.… More mathematical functions: See the Math object when you need them.
We know many comparison operators from maths.… Not equals: In maths the notation is ≠, but in JavaScript it’s written as a != b.… For maths and other comparisons < > <= >= null/undefined are converted to numbers: null
Math operators.BigInt can mostly be used like a regular number, for example:
Numeric Conversion – Occurs in math operations. Can be performed with Number(value).
Mathematical operations are safe Doing maths is “safe” in JavaScript.… The last three lines may need additional explanation: Math
Symbol S: currency Sc, modifier Sk, math Sm, other So.
More in: Basic operators, maths, Comparisons, Logical operators, Nullish coalescing operator '??'.
But if you’re into maths – here it is.