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Iframe: wrong document pitfall.When an iframe comes from the same origin, and we may access its document… Upon its creation an iframe immediately has a document.… may have other iframes inside.… Allows to submit forms from iframe. allow-scripts Allows to run scripts from the iframe. allow-popups… The example below demonstrates a sandboxed iframe with the default set of restrictions: <iframe sandbox
Over that link the evil page positions a transparent <iframe> with src from, in such… iframe is transparent.… Everything that the visitor types will be hidden, because the iframe is not visible.… A sandboxed iframe may not change top.location.… So we can add the iframe with sandbox="allow-scripts allow-forms".
The browser allows us to track the loading of external resources – scripts, iframes, pictures and so… For <iframe>, the iframe.onload event triggers when the iframe loading finished, both for successful… The only exception is <iframe>: for historical reasons it always triggers load, for any load completion
Here’s a document with <iframe>, <img> and handlers that log events:… typical output: [1] initial readyState:loading [2] readyState:interactive [2] DOMContentLoaded [3] iframe… These two things actually mean the same. document.readyState becomes complete when all resources (iframe
People submitted it into <iframe>, just to stay on the current page, like this:… But as it’s forbidden to access the content of an <iframe> from another site, it wasn’t possible… To be precise, there were actually tricks for that, they required special scripts at both the iframe… So the communication with the iframe was technically possible.
But it is shared between iframes in the same tab (assuming they come from the same origin).… Shared between all tabs and windows with the same origin Visible within a browser tab, including iframes
Move the mouse over the input field to see clientX/clientY (the example is in the iframe, so coordinates… are relative to that iframe):
example: You can also download it (upper-right button in the iframe
windows are used rarely, as there are alternatives: loading and displaying information in-page, or in iframe
This is usually true, but if the navigation is performed in an <iframe>, then it is not top-level