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the one given below: It has the border… Or, in other words, its full size including borders.… clientTop/Left.Inside the element we have the borders.… In our example: clientLeft = 25 – left border width clientTop = 25 – top border width… For left-to-right OS they are always the widths of left/top borders.
Many sites were hacked this way, including Twitter, Facebook, Paypal and other sites.… Technically, if we have a text field to hack, then we can position an iframe in such a way that text… This not a reliable defence, because there are many ways to hack around it. Let’s cover a few.… A hacker can post a link to their evil page in a message, or lure visitors to their page by some other… From one perspective – the attack is “not deep”: all a hacker is doing is intercepting a single click
lot of plugins including directory-level syntax analyzers and autocompleters, so there’s no strict border
Prefixed properties Browser-prefixed properties like -moz-border-radius… , -webkit-border-radius also follow the same rule: a dash means upper case.
=""> to with fields that initiate a transaction to the hacker’s… This is used as a precautionary measure, to protect from certain attacks when a hacker injects his own… That shouldn’t be possible at all, hackers should not be able to inject their code into our site, but… Normally, if such a thing happens, and a user visits a web-page with a hacker’s JavaScript code, then
A brief history.CORS exists to protect the internet from evil hackers. Seriously.… And, when both sides agree, it’s definitely not a hack.
Native events might be generated: As a dirty hack to make 3rd-party libraries work the needed way, if
open-source utilities used by millions for decades – suddenly a bug may be discovered that leads to terrible hacks
The #digit div has a fixed width and a border